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Saturday, 13 October 2012

Shot fired into campaign office of US President Barack Obama in Denver with people inside

Barack Obama campaign office, shot

A SHOT has been fired at a campaign office for US President Barack Obama, with people inside, in Denver, Colorado, today.
Denver police spokeswoman Raquel Lopez. said no one was injured.
"It looks like it was one shot that was fired into the structure," she told the Denver Post.
The incident happened at the campaign's offices on West Ninth Avenue near Acoma Street, Denver, Colorado.
Sam T Levin posted a photo on Twitter showing one of the office's large, front windows broken out. The window shards had been removed and a glass company was putting plywood up within minutes.
Lopez said police have a description of a "possible vehicle of interest." She said she could not release that information while detectives are reviewing any available video footage of the incident and pursuing leads.
An Obama campaign spokeswoman declined to comment on the incident, instead referring a question to the police.

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